A new paper published in the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing details the infrastructure of a next generation atmospheric model.

New paper published introducing a new strategy for materials simulation
A paper from IBM Research published in the high-impact Rev. Mod. Phys. journal introduces a new ‘bottom-up’ approach to materials design.

Science-industry-government collaboration wins initial support for Mersey Basin proposal
The Hartree Centre is a lead partner in a collaboration that has won £50,000 seed funding from the Government’s Industrial Strategy to help develop a full bid for up to £50 million.

Businesses show enthusiasm to adopt AI and data technologies and skills
Mid-term review of a Hartree Centre programme boosting industry adoption of AI and data driven technologies shows promising potential.

New collaboration brings quantum computing simulation capabilities
The collaboration with Atos will see the arrival of a Quantum Learning Machine, boosting the simulation capabilities of UK research and industry.

£7million to train next generation of data scientists
STFC Hartree Centre partners with a UK university to deliver a new Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) to empower the next generation of data scientists.

PRACE Summer of HPC 2019
The Hartree Centre is offering two summer work placement projects to late-stage undergraduates or masters students.

Hartree Centre at HPC Asia 2019
Staff from our High Performance Software Engineering group presented at HPC Asia 2019 held in Guangzhou, China.

New partnership with The Alan Turing Institute set to accelerate UK data science and artificial intelligence
The Alan Turing Institute and the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) Hartree Centre forge links between data science and artificial intelligence research and high-performance computing.
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