Explore how data-driven technologies can help you to improve productivity and strengthen your competitive advantage, as well as some practical tips on getting your business data ready to make it useable and useful. Our data science team walk you through established data tools and techniques.

Introduction to cloud, application development & the Internet of Things (IoT)
In this webinar, we will guide you through IoT and cloud based systems at the Hartree Centre and how to build applications for the cloud. Our Research Software Engineering experts will walk you through our established tools and techniques using a range of case studies.

Using high performance computing (HPC) for digital product design
In this webinar, we will guide you through high performance computing (HPC) at the Hartree Centre and how it can be used for digital product design. Our High Performance Software Engineering experts will walk you through our established tools and techniques using a range of case studies.

Optimising materials development with modelling and simulation
This webinar will explore how the Hartree Centre is helping businesses address sustainability and quality in their products by through digital development of optimised materials and formulations. Our applied computational chemistry specialists will take you through the art of the possible in this emerging field to explore how these technologies can help to improve your business productivity and generate a competitive advantage.