LFRic | A new weather and climate modelling system for the Met Office

A new paper published in the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing details the infrastructure of a next-generation atmospheric model.

Rupert Ford and Andrew Porter are Computational Scientists working collaboratively with the Met Office to develop PSyclone.

​The Hartree Centre are developing an application called PSyclone that can generate the parallel code for LFRic, the UK Met Office’s new weather and climate modelling system, enabling deployment of a single source science code onto different machine architectures.

PSyclone is a collaborative open source project with regular contributors from the Hartree Centre, Met Office and Australian Bureau of Meteorology.​

A new paper published in the ​​Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing ​gives an introduction to the LFRic model, but also explains the use of PSyclone and details the benefits of its use within LFRic.


​S.V. Adams, R.W. Ford, M. Hambley, J.M. Hobson, I. Kavčič, C.M. Maynard, T. Melvin, E.H. Müller, S. Mullerworth, A.R. Porter, M. Rezny, B.J. Shipway, R. Wong. LFRic: Meeting the challenges of scalability and performance portability in Weather and Climate models. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpdc.2019.02.007. ​

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