Our online courses for self-paced learning allow you to learn at your own pace, at a time and place that is convenient to you.

Fundamentals of Data Analysis Workflows: Using Workflows and Pipelines in Industry
Our Fundamentals of Data Analysis Workflows: Using Workflows and Pipelines in Industry self-learning course will introduce data analysis workflows and pipelines, which includes an exploration of data analysis phases, how to distinguish workflows from pipelines, and a tour of pipeline types.

Practical Guide to Internet of Things
Our Practical Guide to Internet of Things self-learning course will give a high-level overview of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Beginner’s Guide to Data Visualisation
Our Beginner’s Guide to Data Visualisation self-learning course will introduce the basics of data visualisation utilising desktop PC’s and HPC systems.

Practical Guide to Uncertainty Quantification: Modelling Real Problems with UQ
Our Practical Guide to Uncertainty Quantification: Modelling Real Problems with UQ self-learning course will present UQ concepts and approaches, using case studies to carry out hands-on investigation and discussion.

Beginner’s Guide to Natural Language Processing
Our Beginner’s Guide to Natural Language Processing self-learning course will cover the fundamental concepts of NLP through to the applications of the resulting tools and technologies.

Fundamentals of Data Science Solutions
Our Fundamentals of Data Science Solutions self-learning course will guide you through the best metrics for assessing the performance of machine learning models.

Beginner’s Guide to Exascale Computing
Our Beginner’s Guide to Exascale Computing self-learning course will introduce the potential it has for businesses and the public sector.

Practical Guide to Machine Learning: Defining Problem Scope and Assessing Model Requirements
Our Machine Learning Defining Problem Scope and Assessing Model Requirements self-learning course will walk you through building a machine learning model from start to finish.

Supercharge your Cloud Development Workflow
Our Supercharge your Cloud Development Workflow self-learning course will show you how modern software engineering practices can integrate seamlessly with your development workflow.