Uniting high performance computing (HPC), data analytics and AI research and innovation across Europe.

What is EuroCC?
EuroCC is coordinating high performance computing (HPC) research and innovation activities across Europe at a national level, unifying and providing a single “front door” into HPC research and development capabilities for industry customers, academia and the general public in each of the participating countries.
Each participating country has a National Competence Centre (NCC) to document and survey existing capabilities and ways of working in the field of HPC, with the ultimate goal being to generate new frameworks for engagement with advanced digital technologies that increase accessibility, availability and uptake of HPC by industry, academia and the public sector, maximising the potential for economic impact and societal benefit.

Who is involved?
Bringing together 33 European countries, the project will increase accessibility and availability of HPC, high performance data analytics (HPDA) and artificial intelligence (AI). The EuroCC network will enable closer international collaboration and enhance knowledge-sharing, helping to establish best practice for industry engagement in the field of HPC and elevate collective HPC research and innovation quality across Europe to a common high standard.
Who is responsible for EuroCC in the UK?
EuroCC UK will be jointly delivered by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Hartree Centre and Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) at the University of Edinburgh, two of Europe’s leading supercomputing centres.
EuroCC UK combines the Hartree Centre’s industry engagement expertise with EPCC’s experience running the UK’s national supercomputing service, ARCHER. Both organisations are committed to accelerating the exploitation of HPC, HPDA and AI technologies in industry, academia and the public sector to enable research, training and collaborative industry projects across sectors such as energy, engineering, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.

Previously, the centres have had a close working relationship academically and collaborated to provide user support for the ARCHER supercomputing service, but EuroCC UK will take this collaboration to a new level, enabling enhanced coordination of business development, application support, technology transfer, training and education and access to expertise.
These combined strengths and the concentration of HPC, HPDA and AI expertise will benefit industry and the research community by streamlining and boosting efficiency, knowledge sharing and establishing new ways of working, providing more effective research outcomes for societal and economic benefit across the UK.
How is it funded?
EuroCC is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 as part of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and through national funding programs within the partner countries.

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