Beginner’s Guide to Data Visualisation
Self-Learning Course
Take this course at your own pace through pre-recorded video and online resources.

This course aims to introduce participants to the basics of data visualisation utilising desktop PC’s and HPC systems, from 2D techniques such as graphing and charting to fully immersive mixed reality (MR) systems where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time.
You will gain an understanding of the concepts and techniques of various visual computing disciplines and familiarity with the visual computing tools used such as Blender 3D, Paraview and Unreal Engine. We’ll provide the opportunity to see how these techniques have been used with examples and industry case studies, using the Hartree Centre’s state-of-the-art cinematic visualisation suite and equipment.
Learning Objectives:
- Computer graphics: A general term for all techniques that produce images.
- Visualisation: To produce images from data that shall communicate messages.
- Geometric modelling: To represent objects for rendering using geometric data structures.
- Rendering and Ray tracing: The production of high-definition photorealistic images.
- Augmented reality (AR), Virtual reality (VR) and Mixed reality (MR): Techniques that produce the feeling of immersion in a virtual environment.
- Image processing: Manipulation of images to produce better images.
- Computer vision: Techniques that can extract content information from images
- Human computer interaction: The planning, design and use of interfaces between people and computers.
- Digital twinning:
Pre-requisites: None
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