Practical Guide to Uncertainty Quantification: Modelling Real Problems with UQ
Self-Learning Course
Take this course at your own pace through pre-recorded video and online resources.

Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) is a method that supports more reliable decision-making across a variety of industries – from healthcare and transport to finance and energy. It enhances the design of services and processes. Aimed at Intermediate Learners, this course, led by experts in the field, will introduce the concept of Uncertainty Quantification, key UQ techniques and approaches and demonstrate how these can be applied to modelling real-life problems, helping to support advanced design and decision-making for industry.
Proposed techniques and approaches will be illustrated using case studies and examples drawn from engineering (structural and manufacturing e.g. the Challenger Shuttle disaster), energy (e.g. modelling the effects of weather on renewable power generation) financial markets, supply chain management, COVID-19 and more.
The highly engaging and interactive sessions will present UQ concepts and approaches, using case studies to carry out hands-on investigation and discussion. Participants will be able to explore how these can be applied to problems in their business or wider sector.
Learning objectives
- Understand the importance of uncertainty quantification in solving real-life problems
- Ability to understand, scope and present solution to a given problem employing the techniques and methods from this module
Pre-requisites: An understanding of the basic concepts of probability and statistics.
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