Bull User group for eXtreme computing

Our Systems Architect, Colin Morey has been recently elected as President of the Bull user group, BUX.

​​The Bull User group for eXtreme computing (BUX) is an independent, world-wide user group that works together to increase the capabilities of large-scale, parallel scientific and technical computing supplied by Bull, promoting the exchange of information and understanding of these systems, and providing guidance to Bull on the essential development and support issues for large-scale technical systems. 
The objectives of BUX are:

  • Sharing of experience between members and with Bull
  • Providing Bull with inputs and helping set priorities for Bull (technology, service and support​)
  • Networking with Bull HPC experts during BUX events
  • Highlighting emerging technologies and helping foster long-term developments

Colin’s role will involve the coordination and scheduling of 3 BUX meetings per year, bringing users together to share ideas and experiences around Bull systems.​

​BUX at the Ostrava meeting, March 2018​​​
​BUX at the Ostrava meeting, March 2018​​​
Image credit: BUX

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