Home and Personal Care
From rheology to formulation stability, our capabilities have accelerated R&D for more sustainable home and personal care products.
Improving personal care products with advanced simulation
We’re working with Unilever, using advanced in-silico modelling capabilities to drive understanding into antimicrobial peptide interactions for future product development.
Improving packing line efficiency
Researchers based at the STFC Hartree Centre are working with Unilever to optimise their packing line operations using the power of data.
Getting the picture of emulsion flows
Along with Unilever, we are employing computational modelling to study detailed dynamics of emulsions to optimise innovative manufacturing processes.
Accelerating the product discovery process at Unilever
Unilever is taking advantage of the STFC Hartree Centre’s expertise in high performance computing (HPC) to model how key ingredients of typical home and personal care products combine to structure everyday liquids.