Data-driven AI technologies have the potential to significantly improve the outlook for small businesses, by enhancing productivity, strengthening resilience and creating a strong competitive edge. But are SMEs ready to fully embrace AI?
My mentorship journey | Gaining industry experience in chemical sciences
Hi I am Dilhan Manawadu a Quantum Software Engineer at the Hartree Centre. I was awarded a mentorship as a part of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s programme to support students from minority backgrounds to pursue careers in chemistry.
My apprenticeship journey | From the Hartree Centre to CERN
Hi, my name is Will Hawthorn and I am finishing my Data Science apprenticeship at the STFC Hartree Centre. I am reflecting on the opportunities I have had like travelling to the CERN in Switzerland with the STFC apprenticeship programme.
Unleashing the power of quantum computing
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge. One emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionise industry is quantum computing.
Meet our team | Technical Solutions and Operations
We spoke to Andrew Smith from our Technical Solutions and Operations Group about his role maintaining our supercomputers like JADE-2 and providing user support and asking him to share what excites him about the future of computing at the Hartree Centre.
Drug discovery with quantum machine learning
Ahead of our quantum workshop at the International Supercomputing Conference, we are sharing research on virtual screening for drug discovery using quantum computing by Stefano Mensa, our Advanced Computing and Emerging Technologies Team Leader and IBM Quantum.
What are AI Foundation models and why do they matter?
Over the last few months, there has been a lot of discussion in the media about artificial intelligence (AI) and foundation models. But what are foundation models and why should UK businesses be interested?
Meet our team | Administration
We spoke to Hayley King from our Administration team about her role, and what excites her about coming to work everyday and her journey in working at the Hartree Centre.
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