Quantum and Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing Approaches Workshop 2024 Agenda
Date: 16 May 2024
14:00 – 14:.30 Keynote – Mikael Johansson (CSC) – Quantum computing for HPC and vice versa
Quantum computing is actively being integrated into high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructure. Here, through our experiences at CSC, I discuss the role of quantum computing for supercomputer centres, and our collaborative efforts for realising a combined HPC+QC infrastructure. Encountered and anticipated challenges are discussed, along with prospective and actual solutions. Special emphasis is put on defining the added value of HPC for quantum computing. How should HPC be utilised for getting the most out of the quantum computing paradigm? How do we engage early-adopting users, in order to reach quantum advantage as soon as possible?
14:30 – 15:00 Contributing talks
Contributing talks 15 minutes each including Q&A
– Elisabeth Ortega-Carrasco (HPCNow!) – Managing Quantum Workloads with Slurm.
– Bettina Heim (NVIDIA) – Quantum application development for multi-processor systems using CUDA-Q
15:00 – 15:30 Keynote – Ivano Tavernelli (IBM Research) – Near-term quantum algorithms in the natural sciences: a path towards quantum utility.
Quantum computing is emerging as a new paradigm for the solution of a wide class of problems that are not accessible by conventional classical computers. This is particularly true in the domain of many-body physics, and more specifically in quantum physics and chemistry, where quantum computers can contribute to the solution of problems, which are exponentially hard classically. Thanks to the recent developments in quantum technologies, we expect significant contributions to these fields already with the next generation of near-term, noisy quantum computers. To achieve this goal, noise-resilient quantum algorithms together with error mitigation schemes have been proposed and implemented in hybrid quantum-classical workflows with the aim of improving the synergies between quantum and classical computation, for applications in e.g., electronic structure calculations, lattice gauge theory, and quantum dynamics. In particular, this talk will focus on recent quantum algorithm developments for applications in many-body physics and quantum chemistry, including a description of the main error mitigation schemes required to achieve accurate results at utility scale, such as probabilistic error cancellation (PEC), and tensor network-based error mitigation (TEM) techniques, and their applications.
15:00 – 16:00 Contributing talks
Contributing talks 15 minutes each including Q&A
– Francesca Schiavello (STFC – The Hartree Centre) – Evolving Multi-Population Evolutionary Algorithms on Distributed QPUs.
– Andisheh Khedri (HQC – Quantum Simulations) – Impact of noise in the simulation of NMR spectrum with NISQ devices.
16:00 – 16:30 Keynote –Jeanette Lorentz (Fraunhofer) – What can we learn from applications for the development of quantum computing? [remote]
Although the development of quantum computing hardware and software is progressing fast with many papers appearing on arXiv daily, the advantage of using quantum computing for real-life (industry and academic) applications remains unclear. Present quantum computers remain to be limited in the number of qubits, the connectivity and are affected by noise. While the execution of fault-tolerant quantum algorithms with a clear advantage for industrial applications is therefore currently not possible, we can still use the present NISQ-devices to understand the prospective potential of quantum computing hardware, software and algorithms for (academic and industrial) applications. Furthermore, this also tells us in which direction further developments are required. This talk reflects on importance of application-centric benchmarks which exactly the intend to investigate this interplay of hardware and software from the perspective of applications via concrete examples.
16:30 – 17:00 Contributing talks
Contributing talks 15 minutes each including Q&A
– Chris Langer (Quantinuum) – Benchmarking and Scaling the Quantum Charged Coupled Device quantum computing architecture.
– Amit Jamadagni Gangapuram (LRZ) – Benchmarking the HPC performance of quantum simulators using variational algorithms
17:00 – 17:30 Keynote – Andre Carvalho (Q-CTRL) – Make quantum computing useful with performance enhancing infrastructure software.
Excitement about the promise of quantum computers is tempered by the reality that the hardware remains exceptionally fragile and error-prone, forming a bottleneck in the development of novel applications. In this talk we show how quantum control delivered by software could accelerate the adoption of quantum technologies by improving the performance of commercial quantum computers. We will discuss the control methods underlying our performance enhancement solutions and illustrate the improvement in a suite of algorithms, including hybrid algorithms with direct application to industrial logistic optimization problems.
17:30 – 18:00 Contributing talks
Contributing talks 15 minutes each including Q&A
– Matea Leahy (Algorithmiq) – Scalable tensor network based error mitigation
– Max Rossmannek (IBM Quantum) – Quantum-centric supercomputing: an application. (overview)
Mikael Johansson
In his role as Manager for Quantum Technologies at CSC, The Finnish IT Center for Science, Dr. Johansson oversees CSC’s participation in global initiatives related to quantum technologies, and in general explores and enables the uptake of quantum technologies in R&D communities. He considers quantum-accelerated high-performance computing to be a central part of future supercomputing ecosystems. He spent twenty years in academia, studying and teaching quantum mechanical effects in (bio)chemistry. Dr Johansson holds an associate professorship in physical chemistry at the University of Helsinki, is vice-director of the Finnish Quantum-Computing Infrastructure, and co-founder of the Nordic-Estonian quantum computing infrastructure initiative NordIQuEst.
Ivano Tavernelli
Ivano is a Research Staff Member in Quantum Technology at IBM Research – Zurich. In 2018 he became IBM Global leader for Advanced Algorithms Quantum Simulations, responsible for quantum simulations and applications in physics, chemistry, biology and material science. His focus is the design of efficient and scalable quantum algorithms for near-term and fault-tolerant quantum computers. Prior to IBM, he first undertook a Post-Doctoral fellowship at the Cambridge University (UK) and then served as a Maître of Teaching and Research at the Swiss Federal institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL). He holds two master degrees, one in Biochemistry and one in Theoretical Physics from ETH Zurich, and a doctorate in theoretical bio-physics also from ETH Zurich.
Jeanette Miriam Lorenz
PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz is acting head of a business unit and head of department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS. She leads both the activities towards enabling trustworthy digital health, as well as to enable robust and reliable quantum computing for applications. Jeanette Lorenz studied physics and mathematics at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich. Her studies were followed by many years of research in experimental high-energy particle physics at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) and in Munich. She has led numerous international research groups both at LMU Munich and at CERN. Her specialty was the search for dark matter particle candidates at the Large Hadron Collider. In 2021, she switched to her research focus towards applications of quantum computing and joined the Fraunhofer IKS first as senior scientist, before she was promoted to a head of department in 2023 and to an acting head of a business unit in 2024. In 2014, she also received her PhD with honors from LMU Munich. In 2020, she habilitated and has since been teaching at the Faculty of Physics at LMU as an associate professor.
Andre Carvalho
Andre is the Head of Quantum Control Solutions at Q-CTRL, where he leads all aspects of customer-related projects. With a PhD in physics and almost 20 years working as a researcher, Andre has a vast international experience and is widely recognized for his contributions to the field of quantum control. At Q-CTRL, he is bringing together expertise from physicists and engineers to develop control solutions for quantum technology problems across multiple platforms.
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