STFC Hartree Centre worked with Oliver Hydcovalves as a part of the EDRF-funded CW4.0 programme to develop a tool capable of calculating stresses within valves for carbon capture.

Remote monitoring systems for electric vehicle technology
The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Hartree Centre worked with local SME, Faraday Battery as part of the ERDF-funded CW4.0 programme using data science and AI techniques for remote predictive maintenance of batteries in electric vehicles.

Accelerating the development of unique materials using computer modelling
Funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) Bridging for Innovators programme, the Hartree Centre worked with material specialists Lucideon to accelerate the development of novel ceramics.

Understanding advanced material performance
Advanced materials manufacturer Victrex has been working with the Hartree Centre to determine the performance potential of its unique polymers for extreme environments.