Preparing for extreme weather requires maintaining critical infrastructure services under adverse conditions. Addressing such complex challenges demands multifaceted problem-solving approaches, leveraging diverse solutions driven by the convergence of technologies.

Improving river traffic control using data science and machine learning
NASH Maritime is working with the STFC Hartree® Centre to develop methods that accurately track the speeds of watercraft to enhance river safety through the Innovate UK BridgeAI programme.

A new partnership to power UK fusion powerplants
The Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) Hartree Centre has partnered with IBM and the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA), to work on the design of future experimental fusion powerplants.

Supporting manufacturing SMEs through data-driven technologies
As we approach the end of the Smart Manufacturing Data Hub programme, our Research Software Engineering Group Leader, Dave Meredith, shares some highlights on how his team has been supporting manufacturing SMEs on their digital innovation journey.