Practical Guide to Cloud Computing

Practical Guide to Cloud Computing
Date: Mon 12 May 2025 - Mon 12 May 2025
Register by: 9 May 2025

Aimed at intermediate learners, this course gives you the opportunity to secure the knowledge learned in the Beginner’s Guide to Cloud for Industry with a practical hands-on tutorial led by experts. You will implement the theory you have previously learned to deploy virtual machines and containers to further cement your understanding of fundamental cloud concepts. This course uses Microsoft’s public cloud Azure, however the skills covered are applicable to all public cloud offerings including AWS, IBM Cloud, and Google Cloud. 

Learning objectives: 

  • What cloud computing is 

  • Different cloud offerings available from a vendor-agnostic perspective 

  • Current and future trends 

  • Pros and cons of hosting applications in the cloud, using Hartree Centre case studies as example scenarios 

  • How much cloud for your cash? A whistle-stop tour of cloud costing models and cost comparisons between Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud and IBM Cloud 

  • Virtualisation and the pros and cons of Virtual Machines (VMs) and Containers 

  • How VMs and Containers are created and deployed in the Azure platform 

  • How to use VirtualBox or VMWare Player to create and configure a Linux VM on either Windows or Mac laptop 

  • How to install some basic tools and get started using the VM as a development tool 

  • How to create VMs and Containers on localhost using Docker and the Azure platform 



  • No prior knowledge or experience is required but basic familiarity of the Linux command line would be useful for the hands-on session. 
  • Attendance of the Beginner’s Guide to Cloud for Industry course is advised but not required. 


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